MB BIM produces creative and photorealistic images to communicate technical aspects of construction projects. We create images and simulations to enhance communicate between all project stakeholders. Turning 2D drawings into realistic 3D images and animations allows project participants to get an easy-to-understand view of a project that simply cannot be achieved with a set of construction documents.
Clearly communicated site logistics is key to successful construction projects. Improper management of logistics impacts productivity negatively and causes project delays and cost overruns. Using models, we streamline logistics planning leading to efficient project management.
Models and project schedules can be combined to create 4D animations that demonstrate steps in a construction project. This provides stakeholders with an accurate depiction of how a construction project will be built, the challenges that may be encountered, and how those challenges will be resolved. This also allows a contractor to demonstrate that they have a plan for how a project should be built and that the schedule presented is accurate and achievable.
Visualization also enables contractors to understand potential sequence and logistical conflicts early in the construction process. This enables the resolution of those conflicts virtually when it is more cost and time efficient.