MB BIM works with the general contractor, MEFP and other trade contractors that require visible elements in the ceiling to create drawings that locate these items. These drawings can be submitted and approved by the MEP engineer and architect prior to installation in the field.
This service includes:
Set-up model used to produce drawings
Link-in and correctly locate models or files provided by trade subcontractors to show on the drawings
Review architectural and MEP RCP Plans for conflicting information
Coordinate with GC and MEFP Trades to resolve conflicts prior to installation
Assist the client in producing RFI's
*Note that in order to get the most out of this service, it needs to be done in addition to the MEFP Coordination Lead Scope. Otherwise the information is only as good as the files provided to MB BIM by the trade subcontractors.
The advantages of this service include:
Coordinating all ceiling elements, prior to installation, increases field productivity because the location and coordination with other trades has already been established in the drawings at the time of installation. Delays in the field due to RFI's or questions to the design team and owner are significantly reduced.
Having a coordinated drawing where the location of ceiling elements is shown reduces rework in the field. Rework in the field due to RFI's and questions to the design team and owner is significantly reduced because they were already answered during the coordination / submittal process.
Through the coordination and modeling process, more options can be evaluated resulting in a better product. The coordinated drawings are reviewed and approved by the design team and owner, confirming that the design intent is met. Finally, the drawings can be used to QA/QC the installed product.